Like you maybe already know i would make a special page for battlefield heroes 2
(and maybe for transformice later)
so now the page is here ;D
now i will post all my tips and tricks here + all my pics ands vids
if you have questions look to the topic some extra and see how u can ask to me
like -> react , email, twitter me,....
i will start soon with the tips and tricks but first the page of transformice and the pics and vids of
battlefield heroes and transformice on my home page!
See you soon!
Like i promised i would make
an extra topic about all the maps:
now here it is! enjoy it!
1) coastal clash!
This is one of the first maps thats made in battlefield heroes.
Its a verry little map for the real hardcore fast killers that
can survive when its 1 vs 5 but its nice for snipers 2 because there
are lots of sniper spots! <- i will show some pics on the home page of the spots (from all maps)
In this map there is just 1 kind of car euhm -> fail xD only cars!
(but if you have a pocket tank that dont counts)
its hard to make in this map verry much road kills btw!
(u can play team deatmatch or hero of the hill in this map)
2) seaside skirmish!
A large map with where u can use all vehicles (but no boats for sure)
with not much really good sniper places for the size of the map
(ik 4 verry good places)
its a large map with a big lighthouse where much snipers are standing on
(actually its really stupid to stand there because everyone expects that you will stand there)
its also the tutorial map and a good map to make wingclips and play mr. pilot :D
i always enjoy this map verry much :)
(u can play this map at team deathmatch or hero of the hill)
3) Wicked wake (or WW)
Me -> pro pilot mwaha
like this map verry much its the map where everyone will need to take a plane its a real air battle map nice for the good pilots but watch out for the anti airplane machine guns!
there are some nice sniper places but u will get killed soon there d;
(if you have more questions about this /all maps dont be affraid to ask!)
i'll post the rest tomorow sorry guyz!
some nice action pics!
Hi guyz! i play some more bfh again and i made some nice action pics!
i hope you enjoy!
not the best pic ever but i posted this one
because i would like to show you the respawn
(first respawn) point on wicked wake!
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